Visual Basic 911 - FAQ (general)

Do you know any good web sites about VB programming?

There is a lot of good VB sites. My personal favorites are:

What are the best VB books? I'd like to learn VB by myself.

Check the list of my favorite books. Most of these books are available from (with discounts) and from (with even bigger discounts). You also might want to check Personal Bookshelf website at they have a lot of VB books on-line. Don't forget Microsoft Knowledge Base ( ) and MSDN library (

How to convert BMP to GIF or JPG in Visual Basic?

Visual Basic Image control lets you save GIF/JPG image to BMP format, but not vice versa. I've heard there is a third-party 
VB control doing opposite conversion. You might want to check

When I tried to open the project written on VB6 with Visual Basics 5, I got an error that says: "Retained is an invalid key. The file C:\Windows\Desktop\Project1.vbp can't be loaded".

VB6 has additional keys in .vbp file that previous versions of VB don't recognize. You can open .vbp file in any text editor (notepad, WordPad) and simply remove the whole string containing "Retained" key. After that it should work with VB4/5

I have an access database with 5 tables in it. These tables are vendors for parts. I want to build a program that will show the prices of the part number I type in my text box. I can not figure out how to search all the tables PartNumber fields as one function. These are very large tables so I had planned on using the seek function but haven't figured out how yet.

Index PartNumber field in each table (to make search faster) and use SQL statement instead of Seek method:

set rst=dbs.openrecordset("SELECT price FROM table1, table2, ... WHERE partnumber=" & lPartNumber)
if not rst.eof then
    msgbox rst!price 'or show it in textbox: tex1.text=rst!price
    msgbox "no price found for specified part"
end if

How can I edit the registry within VB? How do I change keys, how do I add them?

You might want to check VB online magazine at They have a nice project defining all functions you need to access and edit Registry

How do I create a new System DSN for SQL from a program written in VB?

check following link:

Do you know of a good book or guide to help me program in VB, so I may create modules for Access?

Looks like you need book on VBA, not VB. This one is good to start from:
Beginning Access 97 VBA Programming, by Robert Smith, David Sussman
This one is a little more advanced:
Access 97 Developer's Handbook, by Paul Litwin
Also you might want to start with Access help - there is a lot on using VBA.

How do I take a single line of text from a file and store it in a variable? How do I save variables to files?

Dim strTemp As String
Dim strFile As String

Private Sub WriteVariable() 'writes variable to file
    strFile = "c:\temp\test.txt" 'your file with full path 'if file doesn't exist - program will create it
    strTemp = InputBox("Enter anything") 'load some string to variable
    Open strFile For Output As 1 'open text file for writing
    Print #1, strTemp 'writing variable to file
    Close #1
End Sub

Private Sub GetLine() 'read first string from file to variable
    strFile = "c:\temp\test.txt" 'your file with full path file must exist before you read from it
    Open strFile For Input As 1 'open text file for reading
    Line Input #1, strTemp 'read first string to variable
    Close #1
    MsgBox strTemp 'show what we've got
End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()
End Sub

How do I validate the date entered in textbox?

Try this sample. Open new project, add command button (Command1) and textbox (Text1). Enter the following code:

Private Sub Command1_Click()
    If IsDate(Text1.Text) Then
        MsgBox CDate(Text1.Text)
        MsgBox "Invalid date entered"
    End If
End Sub

How can I get an event to be triggered when file is added to or deleted from a subdirectory?

Check this sample project

I'm trying to use double-click on a MSFlexGrid using a selected row. The selected row has Product Number(col1), Product Description (col2) and Product Price (col3). I would like to use double-click to transfer (copy) that information into a control array with the names NumberArray, Description Array, and Price array.

Try this code (it uses string arrays, since I didn't know what type of control you're using in your control arrays)

Dim aNumber() As String
Dim aDescription() As String
Dim aPrice() As String

Private Sub Form_Load()
    ReDim aNumber(0)
    ReDim aDescription(0)
    ReDim aPrice(0)
End Sub

Private Sub MSFlexGrid1_DblClick()
    MSFlexGrid1.Col = 1
    aNumber(UBound(aNumber())) = MSFlexGrid1.Text
    ReDim Preserve aNumber(UBound(aNumber()) + 1)
    MSFlexGrid1.Col = 2
    aDescription(UBound(aDescription())) = MSFlexGrid1.Text
    ReDim Preserve aDescription(UBound(aDescription()) + 1)
    MSFlexGrid1.Col = 3
    aPrice(UBound(aPrice())) = MSFlexGrid1.Text
    ReDim Preserve aPrice(UBound(aPrice()) + 1)
End Sub

I've used you "Using Outlook Address Book" project successfully few times. However, it returns Automation error if Outlook 97 is installed instead of Outlook 98. Is there a way that I can make my VBA compatible to Outlook 97, if not how do I detect the version of the Outlook and prompt the user to upgrade to Outlook 98?

You can't run this project with Outlook 97, since it doesn't allow access to Address Book. To check version you can try following code:

Dim olApp As Outlook.Application
Set olApp = New Outlook.Application
MsgBox olApp.Version
Set olApp = Nothing

How to run a Project from the SystemTray?

Check the following URL:

I have a batch file which I would now like to convert to VB 5.0. What are the relevant commands? I need to use like MD, DELTREE, etc.

Analog for MD is MkDir
There is no analog for DELTREE. You have to delete all files in 
directory first, and after that delete directory.
Analog for DEL is Kill
Analog for RD is RmDir

Check VB help for exact syntax

How to start remote programs (i.e.: notepad, calculator) using version 5.0 learning or 6.0 enterprise editions of VB?

Use Shell function. It is available in all editions and versions of VB. For example:
Shell c:\winnt\notepad.exe, vbNormalFocus

I developed a database application in VB 5. I am using MS Access as backend. In front-end I used List boxes, Buttons, MS tab Controls, etc.. Is it possible to make this application web enabled?

It is possible up to the certain point. If you are going to use IE only - you can convert your project into ActiveX document, that will behave almost exactly like your application did. If you care about Netscape users - you need to re-write interface in HTML (using forms). If you want to continue to use Access as backend - you have to use one of the Microsoft web servers 
(IIS or PWS). In that case you can connect to database using ADO/ASP

Is there an easy way to resize all the objects when resizing the form?

There is no easy way. You have to catch new form' size and recalculate all the components' sizes. For example, following code keeps textbox as big as possible and command button in the middle of the form:

Private Sub Form_Resize()
    On Error Resume Next
    Text1.Width = Me.Width - 60
    Text1.Height = Me.Height - 960
    Command1.Top = Me.Height - Command1.Height - 430
    Command1.Left = (Me.Width - Command1.Width) / 2
End Sub

How do I make a self extractor that automatically gets all the dll's it need and puts them all into one file?

It takes two steps to create self-extracting setup executable.
1)Use VB Setup wizard (or Package and Deployment wizard) to create setup package - bunch of files including your application executable with dependencies (dlls, ocxs, etc). If you are familiar with Installshield, you can use it for that purpose as well.
2)Compile all the files in one executable. The best tool for it is Installshiled PackageForTheWeb. But there is a lot of utilities 
you can choose from: ZIP-selfextractor, GSX-selfextractor, Instyler, etc.

How can I find if table exists in a database?

1.set On Error Resume Next
2.try to open the table you're looking for
3.catch the error (if table exists - err.Number=0)
Here is the code for Access database:

On Error Resume Next
Set dbs = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") "provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;data
Set rst = dbs.execute("yourtable")
If Err.Number <> 0 Then MsgBox "Table not found" Else MsgBox "OK"

How can I make a Help-File? Can I make this file with VB 4?

You can't make help file with VB only. Fortunately Microsoft provide programmers with Help Workshop. It is located on VB CD under \Tools directory. It's pretty basic tool. If you need something more powerful - check Robohelp.

What are the best VB Magazines other than Visual Basic Programmer's Journal ( VBPJ) and Access/VB Advisor?

You should definitely check Software Development magazine. It's not Visual Basic-specific, but if you do some serious programming - you are going to like it. Best of all - subscription is free for qualified subscribers.
VB Online Magazine is very good. Though there is no printed version.
That's pretty much it. I have to mention Microsoft MSDN library that has more VB information than all VB magazines altogether. It's also free (registration required).

I could not create a flexgrid. Where is the control button?

Flexgrid is nod intrinsic (standard) Visual Basic control. In order to use it in your project you need to click on "Project" menu
and select "Components" submenu. Dialog box with list of available controls will appear. Find "Microsoft Flexgrid Control" and check its checkbox. Click on "OK" button to close "Components" dialog box. Flexgrid icon should appear on "Toolbox" window.

Where can I find examples on writing classes in VB?

Go to Visual Basic Books Online, select "Using Visual Basic/Part 2:..../Programming with Objects"
There is a lot of info on classes.

How do I make an RTF box un-editable?

I think you are talking about Microsoft Rich TextBox Control. Set its property "Locked" to "True".

Under VB6, when I press the F1 key to get help, it tells me "The MSDN collection does not exist. Please reinstall MSDN"... What does it mean?

You didn't install MSDN during VB installation. VB 6 has its help located in NSDN. Here is what you need to do: Run VB setup, click Add/Remove button and install MSDN. You can have it running from CD (saves you about 600 MB hard-drive
space) or install contents on your hard-drive (runs faster).

I am using DBGRID for entering data in unbound mode. How do I restrict user to a certain number of rows?

You need to keep truck of number of rows and compare it with row limit you set. Something like this

Private Sub DBGrid1_UnboundAddData(ByVal RowBuf As MSDBGrid.RowBuffer, NewRowBookmark As Variant)
    iRows = iRows + 1
    If iRows > iLimit Then DBGrid1.AllowAddNew = False
End Sub

Private Sub DBGrid1_UnboundDeleteRow(Bookmark As Variant)
    iRows = iRows - 1
    If iRows < iLimit Then DBGrid1.AllowAddNew = True
End Sub

Where iRows - variable that keeps current number of rows and iLimit - variable that keeps maximum number of rows allowed

I'm developing reports in VB6 using Data Report and have problems changing the printer setup on the user's machine (he doesn't have permissions to change the page setup properties of the printer) Since he can't change the default from Portrait to Landscape the report won't run - because of "paper size" error. I want to change the properties of the printer just for the duration of the program (like Word does) but can't. I even tried changing it via API - no access to printer!

If user can't change printer properties (doesn't have access to it), than APIs from system, using user credentials (restricted access to printer properties) can't change it either.

How do I save the index of a listbox as a file ?

I'm not clear what index you are talking about. Lets review all possibilities:

1)Index property of listbox controls array:
Open "c:\temp.txt" For Output As 1
Print #1, Listbox1(n).Index
Close #1

2)ListIndex property of listbox (index of currently selected item):
Open "c:\temp.txt" For Output As 1
Print #1, Listbox1.ListIndex
Close #1

3)Contents of the listbox (all the elements in listbox):
Open "c:\temp.txt" For Output As 1
For i=0 To Listbox1.ListCount-1
    Print #1, Listbox1.List(i)
Close #1

Is there a way to run VB5 programs without having MSVBVM50.DLL? Could the source be compiled with only the needed information, and not just have that extra 1.4Mb baggage?

No. This dll is vital for any VB program, since it contains all the definitions of VB functions, types, variables, etc. Without it OS simply will not recognize a single byte of VB code.